Random Facts

My husband tagged to describe eight things about myself.

Here it goes:

1. I was born at a naval hospital in Millington, Tennessee.

2. When I was four years old and my sister was three, we walked down the hill buy ourselves to the store to buy candy. We told the cashier that our mommy and daddy would pay for it. She called our parents to come get us. Boy, did we get it when we got home.

3. My personal walk with Christ began when I was seventeen years old.

4. In 1995, I spent the summer working in Yellowstone Natl. Park.

5. I have read The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings trilogy every year (except these last two) since 5th grade. I also treasure The Chronicles of Narnia.

6. My husband and I met at our missionary orientation in March of 2000 and married eight months later.

7. I am the mother of three beautiful, independent, energetic children.

8. I have lived in Egypt and Ukraine. I have travelled to Moldova, the Netherlands, Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Cyprus. I have swum in the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea.


Benjie said...

That wasn't so hard. Welcome to the blogosphere. 8-)

Anonymous said...

ha ha I so remember that. We were brave and independent at a very young age. :)